Exercises of the Which Body Part of Men Attracts Women

Every man has a hobby of making his physique, a hobby to be fit, a hobby of good clothes and dressing. But somewhere it is also true that a person does so much to appear attracted to the opposite sex.

If someone is asked what he likes, he will say that I like to play, like to wear nice clothes, like to exercise etc. But one thing that he will not say that he also likes girls.

That’s because attraction for opposite sex is human nature. It is everyone’s wish to look good in his eyes. I am not saying that she is just your girlfriend or wife. Maybe you want to look good and fit in the eyes of your sister or mother.

But when it comes to impressing your girlfriend or any other female, then along with the nature of men, her personality and physique also matter. Some people make very good physique to impress females. But do you know which body parts attract women more in men’s body?

But when it comes to impressing your girlfriend or any other female, then along with the nature of men, her personality and physique also matter. Some people make very good physique to impress females. But do you know which body parts attract women more in men’s body?

Maybe not…..!

If you want to know which body parts women find attractive in men’s body and you can grow muscles by toning the muscles of those body parts, then you will need to focus on those muscles.


Body parts that women find attractive in men

Online health provider Dr Felix did a study in 2017 to find out which body parts of men are more attractive to women. According to him, women had mentioned about those body parts which they find most attractive in men.


So let’s know according to the study, which body parts of men’s women find more attractive and what exercises can be done to tone them.


  1. ChestExercises of the Which Body Part of Men Attracts Women

According to the study, 24 percent of women believed that men’s chests are quite attractive. It is also true that having a strong, wide chest makes the personality of men look very good. Exercise chest to train chest muscles.

In Human Anatomy, the chest is called pectoral.


Whereas in the fitness industry, the chest is trained in 3 parts. Upper chest, middle chest and lower chest. These three parts of the chest can also be trained simultaneously. But if you are in the cutting phase at an advanced level then train them separately.

Exercise for chest

  • Barbell Bench Press
  • Flat Bench Dumbbell Fly
  • Flat bench dumbbell press
  • Incline Barbell Press
  • Incline Dumbbell Press
  • Decline Bench Press
  • Decline Dumbbell Fly
  • Incline Dumbbell Fly
  • Seated Chest Machine Press
  • Chest Dips
  • Pushup
  • Incline cable fly


  1. Abdominals or absExercises of the Which Body Part of Men Attracts Women

According to the study, 13 percent believed that men find the abdominal area more attractive. In the abdominal area, the core comes inside the muscles, so the core muscles should also be trained.

There are some major and some minor muscles in the core muscles. For example, abs, glutes, lower back etc.

The following exercises can be done to train abdominal or abs muscles.

Exercises for the abdominals or core muscles

  • Sit ups
  • Crunches
  • Plank
  • Leg Raise
  • Hanging leg raise
  • Russian Twist
  • Bicycle crunch
  1. Wide, Strong ShouldersExercises of the Which Body Part of Men Attracts Women

According to a research, a woman’s sexual satisfaction was linked to the partner’s attractive and broad shoulders. That is, men who have normal shoulders need to train shoulder muscles.

For this, train the interior delt, Rear delt and posterior delt muscles in all three parts of the shoulder. The following exercises can be done to train the shoulder.

Exercise for shoulder

  • Barbell push press and military press
  • Seated overhead dumbbell press
  • Lateral raise
  • Arnold Press
  • Front dumbbell raise
  • Uprights Row
  • Dumbbell Shrug/Barbell Shrug
  1. Ripped, Tapered and V Shape Back

According to a 2013 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 79 percent of women like men’s ripped, tapered and V-shaped backs. A V-shaped back makes a personality more impressive when it comes to physical attractiveness.

The back is the largest muscle group of the upper body, it consists of parts like upper back, lower back, middle back, lats (Wings), traps etc.

The following exercises can be done to train these muscles.

Exercises for back

  • Deadlift
  • Wide grip lat pulldown
  • Bent over row
  • T-Bar row
  • Seated cable row
  • Pull up
  • Shrug


  1. Legs and Glutes

According to an AskMen poll, women love your butt as much as men. Most of the 100 women surveyed said strong glutes and leg muscles (posterior) were attractive parts.

Exercise should be done to train the legs and glute muscles. Men’s quad muscles look quite attractive even in the legs, for which men should do the following exercises.

Exercises for legs and glutes

  • Squat
  • Lunges
  • Barbell hip thrust
  • Leg extension
  • Leg press
  • Leg curl
  • Single-leg Romanian Deadlifts
  • Kettlebell swings


  1. Forearms

By doing forearm exercises, the veins of the forearm are visible, which is very much liked by women. In research, women had told that weeny arms attract them.

For this you will need to do arm exercises. Along with the exercise of biceps and triceps, the following exercises of the forearm also help to show the veins.

Forearm exercise

  • Reverse curls
  • Behind the back wrist curls
  • Bench wrist curls with barbell
  • Reverse wrist curls on the bench
  • Towel or rope pull ups


Conclusion: From the information given above, it must have been understood that which body parts of men attract women. If you also want to attract someone, then start doing these exercises with a good diet, then see how your personality looks great.

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