11 Best Weight Loss Friendly Drinks

Are you familiar with 11 Best Weight Loss Friendly Drinks? If not, this is the right post for you.

The problem of obesity has been considered the home of many diseases. This is the reason why no one likes increasing weight. Yet many people unknowingly or unknowingly fall prey to it. In such a situation, some weight loss drinks can be helpful in relieving this problem. In this article of FitKil, we are telling many ways to make home juice to reduce weight, through which there can be some relief in this problem. Despite this, it is also necessary to pay attention to regular exercise and diet to control obesity. So let’s know without delay, about the drinks to reduce belly fat.

Let us first know whether 11 best weight loss drinks can be effective.

Do Drinks Help You to Lose Weight?

Yes, healthy drinks or juices can help in reducing weight to some extent. This information is available in a research published on the website of NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information). According to research, some people were given a drinks-based diet for three days. As a result, it has been found that fruit and vegetable juices can play an important role in weight loss. Apart from this, fruit juices have also been considered effective for reducing weight. However, keep in mind that fruit juices should be consumed without sugar or with less sugar, only then they can be effective in increasing weight.

At the same time, it has also been recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) that fruits and vegetables can play an important role in weight loss. Further in the article, we have given detailed information about homemade drinks for weight loss.

Now you will know, using which ingredients you can make juice to lose weight.

Weight Loss Drinks At Home

Here we are telling about home juices to lose weight. Keep in mind that weight loss should not only depend on drinks but also do a balanced diet and regular exercise for better results. So let us now know, drinks to reduce obesity.

Detox Drinks

Detox Drinks Benefits: – It is not easy for everyone to find time for themselves in a run-of-the-mill life. People involved in busy lives have to sweat in the gym for hours to lose weight and get all kinds of health benefits. In such a situation, detox water is a better and easier option which can prove to be very helpful for you in reducing many problems. As soon as the process of detox starts inside the body, its effect starts appearing on many parts of the body, such as the skin starts looking healthy, the digestion system starts working properly and the weight also starts reducing rapidly.

What is Detox Water?

Detox water works to remove the toxins present in our body from body. There are many different types of detox drinks. You can easily make it to your home. For this, only drinking water is needed along with fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs. It is also called ‘fruit-flavored water’. Compared to any juice, the amount of calories in it is very less. It is helpful in cleaning the kidney and liver and keeping it healthy. Apart from this, it is also effective in reducing weight and keeping the digestive system right.

Let us know how we can make detox water of different flavors-

  • Cucumber Detox Water

Cut a few slices of cucumber and put it in half a liter of cold or normal temperature water. Then add black salt, lemon slices, or lemon juice according to taste and keep it in the fridge for 4 hours. Take it out after 4 hours. You can consume it every morning on an empty stomach. Not only this, you can drink it throughout the day too. Adding 6-7 mint leaves to it will enhance its taste even more.

  • Apple Cinnamon Detox Water

Mix a few slices of cut apple and some cinnamon pieces in half a liter of water and put a few drops of lemon juice in it for taste and keep it in the fridge for 4 hours. Use it in the morning on an empty stomach. Many diseases are kept away by their continuous consumption. Drinking apples like detox water also clears the dirt of the kidney, due to which kidney function is also maintained. Cinnamon is also able to remove toxins from the body by mixing them.

  • Orange Ginger Detox Water

Cut the orange slices into small pieces and grate a small piece of ginger and put it in half a liter of water along with the pieces of orange. You can add a few drops of lemon juice to it for taste. Keep in the fridge for 3 to 4 hours and consume it daily. It will reduce weight and make the skin healthy.

Try these combinations too

Apart from these, you can also drink detox water containing a combination of cucumber-mint, lemon-ginger, black berry-orange, watermelon-mint, grape-rosemary, orange-lemon, lemon-lime, and strawberry-basil. Apart from being delicious, it is also very good for your health.


Lemon water

Everyone is well aware of the weight loss benefits of lemon water, but there are many other health benefits of lemon water. To take advantage of this, you need to prepare a glass of lemonade by mixing lemon juice in warm water. Drink it every morning on an empty stomach. Let’s know the health benefits of drinking lemon water in the morning.

Weight loss – It is often recommended to drink a glass of lemon water every morning as it accelerates the process of weight loss. This drink improves the digestion process by healing your digestive system in the morning. Lemon removes toxins from the body. It keeps your digestive system healthy.

Hydrated – Drinking lemon water in the morning is a good way to keep yourself hydrated. Adding lemon to hot water enhances its taste. If you add a spoonful of honey to it, it will prove beneficial not only in taste but also for your health. This can give relief from the problem of constipation.



Coffee works wonders for weight loss purposes. It can keep your metabolism up and give you a quick energy boost. It is also very low on calories.

Ginger Water

Ginger is a useful ingredient that can be effective for weight loss. Using ginger will reduce your weight very fast. Ginger and lemon can be consumed to reduce weight. Along with ginger, lemon also has weight-cutter properties. The combination of these two can reduce your belly fat very quickly.

Kalonji Drink

Kalonji seeds prove to be very helpful in reducing weight. They contain a lot of fiber which can keep you from getting overweight. By using only one teaspoon of fennel while cooking, the nutrients present in the food can be increased significantly. It is also helpful in reducing belly fat, it is high in fiber, which makes it easy to lose weight. To use it, grind four to five seeds of Kalonji. Then add that powder to a glass of warm water and mix it well. Then add a small spoon of honey and the juice of half a lemon and drink it. However, do not use more than 4 or 5 seeds at a time, as it can lead to pitta dosha.


Turmeric milk

Turmeric is also very effective for your body in many ways. Calcium and many other types of minerals are found in turmeric milk. Which are helpful in burning fat. Along with this, the problem of constipation is removed, which is very important to keep the weight right. Overall drinking turmeric milk helps in reducing weight.


Aloe Vera

Aloe vera juice is also very helpful for weight loss. By drinking 20-50 ml of Aloe Vera juice every night before sleeping, weight loss happens faster. Drinking Aloe Vera juice accelerates the fat-burning process. Along with this, it also works to reduce stomach problems and increase digestion.


Apple Cider Vinegar

If you want to lose weight, then start adding apple cider vinegar to your diet. How to use it will benefit you more, you can consult a dietician for that. If you are using apple cider to lose weight, then you can regularly consume 1 to 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar daily. For best results, mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water early in the morning to jumpstart your metabolism to lose weight. If you drink this weight loss drink during the morning, then you will get the benefits more quickly.


Green Tea

According to a study, green tea helps in burning about 4% more calories daily by increasing our metabolism. For this reason, the weight automatically starts decreasing. Consuming green tea just before exercising is more beneficial as it speeds up the process of burning fat. You can drink it by squeezing lemon juice and adding honey to it.


Coconut Water

Drinking it on an empty stomach in the morning can help in many ways. Coconut water contains lauric acid, which helps in boosting your immunity, speeds up your metabolism, and aids in weight loss. You too can lose weight fast by drinking coconut water.

Yogurt Smoothie

If you want to lose weight, then drink these things mixed with curd daily, all stomach problems will go away “This recipe is delicious! Together it contains many such nutrients which are very important for our body. You can also replace strawberries with any other fruit.” In the morning on an empty stomach, grind curd and banana with other fruits in a mixer and drink it after making a smoothie of fruit and curd to reduce weight, then your weight will be reduced rapidly.

Nutrients like calcium, protein, lactose, iron, phosphorus, riboflavin, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 are found in it. Yogurt is considered very beneficial for digestion. Apart from this, curd can help in weight loss.

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